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We all want to maximize our performance and supercharge wellness.
But are fitness trackers really the way to do it?
FitBit radiation exposure is a real concern that few people know about.
Let’s change that today, shall we?
How the FitBit Works
The FitBit is a wearable fitness tracker used to track steps, sleep quality, calories burned, and more. At regular times throughout the day, they offload their data to the company website.
This fitness tracker, as with other wireless devices currently on the market, runs on Bluetooth and uses Bluetooth to connect to other gadgets.

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And therein lies the problem…Side Note: I just want to quickly address the times we’re living in. Many people are feeling hopeless, depressed, confused, isolated…just overwhelmed. Can you relate? If you need a dose of hope right now, please click here to read my personal note to you.
FitBit Radiation: The Harm Is in the Transmission
Bluetooth is a source of EMF radiation.
The pulsing manner in which FitBits emit radiation makes the radiation travel incredibly quick, which allows it to easily penetrate cells.
So despite its fitness benefits, the primary problem with wearing a FitBit is that by doing so, you are exposing yourself to radiation on a daily basis.
Albeit, it’s very low-level Bluetooth radiation, but any type of artificial tech-related radiation is unhealthy for human exposure.
In fact, while some people claim there isn’t any problems with Bluetooth radiation, there is actually no evidence to the contrary.
No research has been done to prove that this radiation is safe for people to be exposed to, especially on a daily basis.
Because it is a type of microwave radiation that’s known to have incredibly short wavelengths and to transmit quickly in fast pulses. This type of radiation is able to easily penetrate tissue and enter human cells.
Once this occurs, it can negatively affect DNA as well as cell health.
You’ve probably heard of the risks involved in keeping a cell phone in your pocket. Well, the combination of the Bluetooth signal and the radiation given off by the phone is what makes it harmful.

While many people think using Bluetooth is a better way to handle talking on a cell phone since radiation is reduced, there are still major health problems that can occur with extended exposure.
When it comes down to it, FitBit and Bluetooth users need to keep in mind that this technology produces the same radiation as a microwave, just at a different level.
Having the source of this form of radiation right by your body is dangerous and can result in extended exposure to EMF radiation.
Even though you may not feel its effects immediately, it can have devastating consequences years down the road.
Special Note: I do think it’s important to point out that there is false information floating around about Fitbit models being recalled due to radiation risks. That is simply not true. NO recalls have been issues due to EMF exposure.
Check out our highest reviewed fitness trackers without bluetooth here!
A Closer Look at Different Models: Anecdotal Evidence
A few models like the FitBit Blaze and Charge have more user complaints than others. Let’s look at a few:
FitBit Alta Radiation
The FitBit Alta is one of the smaller FitBit models. Unfortunately, some people believe that its smaller size means it won’t produce as much radiation.
Even though the Alta is small, it still produces radiation, which can cause health problems for people wearing it.
Users have reported that wearing an Alta made them feel dizzy and affected their pulse, causing it to become erratic. This tiny wearable tracker has been linked to skin rashes as well as difficulty sleeping when worn at night.
FitBit Charge Complaints
A larger Fitbit model is the Charge. This popular Fitbit tracks steps, movement, calories burned, sleep, and even heart rate. Newer models of the Charge are waterproof, which means they can be worn while swimming to track calories burned.
People wearing the Charge have experienced slightly different problems than Alta users. For instance, the Charge is notorious for shocking users – not only when the device is worn, but also once it’s been removed via static electricity when touching something.
Other FitBit Charge users have reported that the device burned their arm, leaving a noticeable mark on the skin.
Aria FitBit Scale Issues
Finally, the Aria 2 FitBit Scale seemed like an answer to prayer for those looking to easily track their health. This scale tracks trends and shows users their body weight, BMI, lean mass, and body fat.
It syncs wirelessly so that it offers real-time information about your health when used while offering the ability to track up to 8 users.
Unfortunately, even the FitBit scale has some problems. The Aria scale relies on EMFs to check the body and scan it.
Even though the scale isn’t used all the time like wearables, it still produces radiation that’s concerning. Some users have found that they are lightheaded and even fatigued after stepping on the scale.
Since the scale isn’t recommended for children who are under 10 years of age, pregnant women, or people who have an implanted medical device, it begs the question….
If it’s not safe for the most vulnerable among us, is it safe at all?
It’s interesting to note that the users who experienced symptoms reported that they didn’t feel better until hours later.
FitBit Rashes: Linked to EMF Radiation?
One complaint that has surfaced among FitBit wearers is a skin rash. While radiation isn’t the purported culprit in this situation, the fact that it has caused skin issues can’t be argued.
Users have reported experiencing deep tissue pain that they believe is linked to wearing the tracker. While there’s always concern about wearing the band too tight or simply being allergic to materials used, some users claim the cause is not that.
While the company admits there have been skin burns after wearing a FitBit, the company believes the rashes are due to the band being tight or there being an irritant under the band.
Soap, water, or sweat under the band can cause a rash or burn on the wrist.
However, another likely possibility is Toasted Skin Syndrome.
This skin condition is caused by exposure to heat that’s allowed to be near or directly on the skin.
Patients who use laptops for extended periods of time often suffer from this syndrome. The heat from the laptop is unable to leave the computer as the vent is blocked, which causes the heat from the computer to transfer to (and damage) the skin.
Other devices that cause toasted skin syndrome include electric blankets, heating pads, and even standing too close to a stove, hot oven, or open fire.
FitBit Causing Pain in Arm: User Reports
Some users have reported that wearing a FitBit causes pain in their arm. The source of such pain has still not be been definitively identified.
One theory, of course, is the radiation output. A very small percentage of the population is sensitive to these signals and should not use Bluetooth equipment, including an ear piece or a FitBit.
The radiation produced by a FitBit can cause inflammation in some people and may even damage the nervous system. Patients who suffer from arthritis and deal with daily stiffness and pain can have their symptoms magnified.
Simply removing the FitBit, along with other sources of radiation, is a great way to deal with this problem and reduce related inflammation and pain in the body.
What the Makers of FitBit Have to Say
Of course, the manufacturers state that FitBit safety is their number one concern, and as such, they are responsive to questions from their customers.
They believe that fitness tracker radiation is minimal and that people don’t need to worry about related side effects.
Since the power output from a FitBit is incredibly low, under 1% of a cell phone, the makers believe there is little evidence of a problem caused by their equipment.
Additionally, since FitBit trackers aren’t worn near the head like Bluetooth headsets, they don’t pose the same potential risk.
Finally, FitBit manufacturers rely on research that has been performed on Bluetooth radiation and how much is dangerous for humans.
Most studies agree that it is safe for humans to be exposed to the low level of radiation that FitBit products produce.
Since radiation produced by these Bluetooth devices is between 800MHz and 2 GHz – an acceptable range by the FCC – they believe any effects would be negligible.
The only problem with that is the fact that there are hundreds of researchers who disagree with electromagnetic radiation levels deemed acceptable in the United States.
Want to track your stats without the harm? Read our bluetooth-free fitness tracker roundup here!
Frequently Asked Questions
If I turn off automatic syncing, will that reduce my radiation exposure?
In theory it would. However, as of 2019, most FitBit models do not offer the option to turn syncing off. It’s pretty much always searching for devices to connect with.
What is the exact Fitbit radiation exposure level?
FitBit manufacturers state that their product’s radiation output is about 0.5% – 1% of what a cell phone emits. The FCC has a limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram for cell phone emissions. So if you take 1% of that, you can estimate that the FitBit emits about 0.016 watts per kilogram of radiation.
Do Fitbit watches cause cancer?
The short answer is no. The long answer stems from the fact that cancer is caused by a cascade of events. Since cancer often festers silently for months or years before being detected, it would be very hard (impossible even?) to pinpoint it to a single thing like a FitBit device. So no, fitness trackers like the Fitbit do not directly (and alone) cause cancer.
Can fitbit cause numbness?
Even FitBit’s legal safety instructions admit that it can cause numbness, but that’s usually because it’s being worn too tight or mishandled in some way.
Is it safe to sleep with your Fitbit on?
Even though there’s not much research on EMFs currently, what little has been done indicates that it interferes with the body’s natural sleep cycle. For this reason, we don’t think it’s a good idea to wear a Fitbit while you sleep. Not to mention, a lot of people sleep with their hands under their pillow or near their heads, which exposes your brain to a higher level of radiation.
Bottom Line: Are Fitbits Safe?
When it’s all said and done, you are the only one who can decide if FitBit radiation is something you should be concerned about. Maybe the benefits outweigh the cons for you.
Or maybe, like me, you’d rather avoid the risks all together.
Before I sign off, I think it’s important to realize that it’s not just fitness trackers that pose this type of risk.
Even our children are endangered by smart devices like the Owlet Smart Sock.
And don’t even get me started on smartwatch radiation.
But we can’t escape tech-related radiation entirely. It’s everywhere.
We just need to learn how to live with it the safest way possible by minimizing exposure, maximizing distance, and putting certain protections in place like shields and blockers.
Certified EMF Expert, Chief Editor & Researcher at Beat EMF. I’m in charge of testing all the products and sorting through the duds to deliver effective EMF solutions for your family. Learn more about me here.
I have had left shoulder and arm pain for over two weeks. I could not think of why and I thought I must have bumped my shoulder. I went to the Dr and i have slight arthritis in my shoulder determined by x-ray but not enough to cause pain according to the Dr. I had a purple round spot on my wrist and I thought it was from too many Advils for the pain. After reading all the posts, I see the round spot is exactly where the transmitter is on the back of my Blaze. I do not wear it to bed. I also love my Fitbit
Wow, Sharon, thanks for sharing your story! I’m glad you were able to pinpoint the source and hopefully eliminate your pain. I know the convenience of all that fitness data is nice, but the close prolonged contact with your skin & EMF just isn’t worth it in my opinion.
I wore my Fitbit day and night for 6 months straight.I developed Bursitis in my left elbow the size of a golfball. I was replacing screens on myLanai. I am using it to track my heart activity’s I had bypass surgery and am trying to get my 10,000 steps in. Before I read any articles, I drew the conclusion could there be a connection?I notice whenever I wear it my bursitis flares up and when I take it off it calms down. I am 71 years old. I think it will be put away and go back to a simple pedometer. Thanks for your article. appreciate your info.
Hi Dave,
I’m sorry to hear about your pain. I think you found a connection that most people wouldn’t. Kudos to you! I hope getting rid of the FitBit helps.
If i disconnect or remove my Fitbit watch from the app on my phone, will the watch continue to send out periodic Bluetooth signals or radiation of any kind?
Hi Jack,
I believe you need to disable bluetooth on the device itself because it will always be ‘ready and waiting’ for a device to pair with immediately once discovered – if the bluetooth is not deactivated. Check your user manual for how to disable it on the watch itself.
My kids purchased my Fitbit for my birthday a few weeks ago in which I wore all the time. A strange thing happened to me last week which initiated my research on the Fit Bit. I was driving home and for the first time ever, felt very dizzy. Thankfully I was able to pull to the side of the road to collect myself. Pretty shaken up, I called my husband to see if he was close to come get me. He was not and I was quickly able to collect myself to drive home. Here’s where it gets interesting. At home, a short time later, I realized I wasn’t wearing my FitBit. Wondering where it could be, I looked inside my car and there it was laying on the passenger side. While having that dizzy moment, my instincts guided me to take off the FitBit! After reading this article, I don’t think this is coincidental.
Hi Katrina,
Think you for sharing your FitBit story. It’s not common for EMF to have that sudden of an effect. It’s usually symptoms that pop up over time after constant exposure to it. But I don’t doubt it at all that that could happen so quickly. Have you verified your hypothesis by putting it back on and see what happens (under safer circumstances, of course, ie not driving).
I don’t suggest wearing it long-term (obviously lol) but just curious to see if it would trigger dizziness all of a sudden like that again. At which point it would be just about indisputable it was the FitBit that caused it.
I’ve been wearing my fit bit Alta 24×7 for 2 years , and I have severe sweating non stop.
I wash my bands and keep it clean.
Wearing it all the time.
I have had my thyroid tested and tested , and had a lot of tests done and all come back clear.
The only thing we can think of , is it the fit bit causing this.
No other reason why , it’s only since I’ve been wearing this device.
Need you help please.
Thank you.
Hi Janet,
There’s no way “prove” that it’s the FitBit causing your issues. Personally, if I had something that was seemingly linked to symptoms, I would just stop using it whether I could prove a link or not.
What is proven is EMF’s effects on cellular function, which of course, will have a domino effect on so many things. I’d just stop using the Alta. We’ve survived and thrived for thousands of years without wearable tech – it’s not necessary. I sincerely hope you start feeling better soon!
I have been wearing my FitBit 3 since Christmas Day & night as tracking my sleep intrigued me. Trying to get into double figures for Deep Sleep despite sleeping a lot longer in lockdown than before. But I sometimes wake & find my left arm is curled under the pillow near my head. That worries me, should it ?? Is it time to put it in the drawer ?
Everyone has to decide for themselves, but I personally would not use any kind of wearable tech.
I started wearing my Fitbit (Inspire HR) four months ago, about two weeks ago I got a strange vibrating sensation in my chest. As soon as I took the Fitbit off, the vibrations stopped. (I’d seen online that other Fitbit wearers had reported a similar sensation).
Then a few days after that I realised that the pain I’d been having in my shoulder and chest had reduced (I thought I must have pulled a muscle without realising it). Anyway, the Fitbit has been off for about ten days, I still have a bit of shoulder and neck pain (I believe this might have been caused by inflammation or nerve damage). I’m hoping it will heal soon without any lasting damage. (Others have reported that it’s taken up to 6 weeks to be pain free after removing the Fitbit). Fitbit customer services have been unhelpful. Of course, I’ve no proof that any of this was caused by the Fitbit.
I bought a Fitbit inspired yesterday and wore it all day and all night. My sleep was fitful and I felt dizzy – have just taken it off and feel better already. I’m going to return it to the store. I have looked up other fitness trackers and there are some that offer the option to disable Bluetooth on the device – would these be safe or do they still emit radiation to check your steps?
Hi Elle,
As long as you disable the bluetooth, it will be fine 🙂
Wow… I have never read a longer string of horse shit in my life. The research is out there and this type of fear mongering opinion is is the worst kind of internet misinformation trash.
I quit wearing my fitbit because it started to make my arm ache. I was using fitbits for about 6 yrs, and strarted having terrible dull aches up my arm. Only the arm that the fitbit was on. I started feeling like I needed to get it off my arm. Within a couple hours it would feel better. So I started giving myself breaks from it. After about the 7th year, the aches were getting worse. It got to the point where I didn’t want to put it on at all. Which sucked because our very dumb insurance offers this Staywell program, which seems smart…. But it’s dumb. It’s dumb because you can accumulate the bulk of your points by wearing a fitbit and being active. Now, I have a hard time getting all my points. This program offers us cheaper rates for being proactive about our health. I don’t feel like wearing that fitbit was being proactive at all. I haven’t worn it now for many years, and no dull aches in my arm. I never wore it tight either, always loose like a bracelet. I kept it clean too… So yeah, not tight and a clean device. I’m not buying their “it’s totally safe” gimmick, screw fitbit and their cancer-causing radiation devices. I was looking for something that was “safe” for real and came across your article. I am hoping Staywell will accept something other than fitbit. Thanks for all the info, easy to read and understand.
I had 2 cortisone shots – one in Feb and and one in April of 2023, for tennis elbow in my left arm. I went back to doctor in June but was told, “no more shots.” This is the arm that I wear my Fitbit Versa 3. I love that thing but I do wear it day and night to track steps and my sleep habits.
The Dr. ordered an MRI but I am hesitant and really don’t want surgery! So, yesterday I thought I would take the Fitbit off. This morning, the pain is not as bad as it was. I really thought I was imagining it. It’s still dull so I’m going to give it a few more days to really see if it helps by not wearing the Fitbit. I came looking for any threads that might be close to what I’m experiencing and found yours. I will be amazed if this cures my issue. I really had no idea!! Wow. Thanks for the info, anyway. It’s eye opening.