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EMF protection is no easy feat.
As you’ll learn below, electromagnetic radiation emits from sources all around us – many of which are beyond our control.
So is shielding yourself easy? No.
Possible? Yes…once you are armed with the right information.
That’s what this site is all about:
Providing the knowledge and tools you need to protect yourself and your family against dangerous EMF.

Get a self-paced, step-by-step path to less EMF in your life—without weighing you down with complicated terminology & information overload.
Let’s dig in.
Quick Navigation: Use the links below to jump to the section you’re most interested in!
- What Is EMF?
- Sources of EMF
- Dangers of EMF
- How to Measure EMF
- Materials Used to Block EMF
- How EMF Protection Devices Work
- 3 Ways to Protect Against EMF
- Types of EMF Protection Products
- Best EMF Protection Devices in 2019
- No Cost Strategies to Block EMF
- Potential Side Effects of Using EMF Devices
- My #1 Tip to Reduce EMF Exposure
What Is EMF?
EMF stands for electromagnetic field, and everything has one – some are natural (good), others are artificial (bad). The energy projected by these fields is known as electromagnetic radiation, which consists of light particles that travel in wave-like patterns.
The amount of energy in these photons determines where a particular form of electromagnetic radiation lies in the spectrum. This is expressed in terms of frequency or wavelength.
The two types of electromagnetic radiation that we are most concerned with shielding ourselves from are Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Radio Frequency (RF).
For centuries, man dealt primarily with low-intensity electromagnetic fields naturally produced by the earth and our own bodies – the kind that are vital for biological communication and processes.
With the rise of the digital era, however, we now face man-made electromagnetic radiation that produces higher intensity electromagnetic fields.
These dangerous EMFs are invisible and can’t be heard, but you might be surprised to know it’s everywhere – our homes, places of work, cars, and even places we go to eat.
They also infiltrate the places you regard as your sanctuary. In fact, you are probably being irradiated by different EMFs as you read this page. It’s so invasive that the World Health Organization categorizes as a form of pollution known as electrosmog.
Not a very pleasant thought, is it?
Thankfully, there are things you can do to protect yourself. But first, you have to identify the sources.
Sources of EMF
I mentioned in the previous section how there are natural sources of electromagnetic fields. These are sources we have lived with for generations and include:
- Ionizing radiation from the earth
- The magnetic field of the earth
- Infrared and UV radiation from sunlight
- Electric charges in the atmosphere connected to thunderstorms
When it comes to EMF protection, we are concerned with artificial sources such as:
- Cell phones, smartphones, and tablets
- Power lines
- Cell towers
- Smart meters
- Wi-Fi routers
- TV and computer screens
- Radio and TV signals
- Microwave ovens
- Metal plumbing
- Satellite communication
- Hair dryers
- Alarm clocks
- Compact fluorescent lights
- Fitness trackers
- Appliances
- Electric wiring (dirty electricity)
- Headphones
- And more
While this is far from being a comprehensive list, it should give you an idea of the most common sources of EMF you should be aware of.
Dangers and Side Effects of EMF
Our bodies have their own magnetic and electric functions. Just think about some of your most important systems – heart, digestion, brain, nervous system. Electric communications play a vital role in them.
The frequencies emitted by artificial EMF sources interfere with the function of such systems, resulting in symptoms like:
- Headaches
- Digestion issues
- Sleep disturbances
- Dizziness
- Brain fog
- Compromised immune system
- Tingling sensations
But that’s not all:
The first series of research into EMF concluded that it didn’t have a negative effect on human health because it doesn’t ionize molecules in the way nuclear radiation and X-rays do.
However, with further research, scientists have now discovered that EMFs can heat up tissues in our bodies the same way a microwave oven warms your food.
As you’ve probably guessed, that’s not good.
So, let’s examine some of the potential health dangers that can be caused by electromagnetic radiation according to science.
1. Breast Cancer
Breasts contain soft fatty tissues that can absorb some EMFs, including cell phone radiation.
Studies carried out on young women who kept their cell phones in their bra over the years have revealed that they developed tumor growth below the location of the antenna where their phone was stored.
Since the women had no genetic predisposition or family history of breast cancer, the researchers assumed that the tumor development could be as a result of EMF exposure.
2. Children’s Development
Kids have a much thinner and softer skull compared to adults. They also contain more fluid content. As a result, the Environmental Health Trust noted that children could be at a higher risk of experiencing effects of EMF exposure since radiation can be more deeply absorbed into their brains.
Many of us consider healthy food, play and sleep to be of utmost importance in our children’s health. In the same vein, we should also consider their environmental factors, such as EMF exposure, to be equally important.
3. Asthma
The result of a study spanning over 13 years on 626 California children revealed that if a pregnant woman is exposed to magnetic fields greater than 0.3 mG, there is a high likelihood of her child suffering from asthma during childhood. This study was published in the Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
4. Female and Male Reproduction
Evidence from studies and experimental research at the Cleveland Clinic, as well as other major research centers in the world, have revealed that the exposure of healthy men to cell phone radiation can reduce sperm quality and develop damage to mitochondrial DNA compared to other, unexposed healthy men.
Also, a series of animal studies has revealed that exposure to EMF can harm as well as decrease the number of ovaries follicles in women.
Take note that this is by no means a comprehensive list of side effects as we all react differently to EMF stress.
How to Measure EMF
EMF emissions are measured in three different ways by building biologists:
AC Magnetic Fields
These are low-frequency magnetic fields that emanate from household wiring, substations, power lines, and other electrical appliances.
AC Magnetic Fields are measured with a Gauss meter to identify potentially harmful low-frequency magnetic fields. The measurement unit of this EMF form is in milliGauss (mG).
Here are some steps you can take to detect EMF output of anything that runs on main AC electricity:
- Get a Gaussmeter to identify the AC magnetic hotspots.
- Use the Gaussmeter to check for magnetic fields from places you spend a lot of time (i.e. your bedroom). Then check individual devices like your phone charger, alarm clock, and the wall wiring at the head of your bed.
- Any unit below 0.2mG is considered safe, while 0.2 to 1mG causes high concern, 1 to 5 mG shows severe concern, and above 5mG extreme concern.
Radio Frequencies
These are high-frequency EMFs usually emitted by devices such as microwave ovens, baby monitors, mobile and cordless phones, smart meters, Wifi and Bluetooth devices.
This EMF is measured using a radio frequency meter and uses microwatts per square meter as a metric. Most often, RF meters can’t measure radio frequency close to the source but can indicate the presence of far-field radio frequency.
Steps for measuring radio frequency:
- Get an RF meter to identify the RF hotspots in your house.
- Once you discover the sources, use the device to disconnect or remove the RF-emitting device.
- Any unit below 0.1 u W/m2 is considered safe, 0.1 to 10 u W/m2 raises slight concern, 10 to 1000 u W /m2 raises severe concern, and anything above 1000 u W /m2 should be taken with extreme concern.
Electrical Fields
Electrical fields emanate from different AC power sources and can be quite tricky to measure. In fact, the reading on some electrical field meters can be affected by the presence of a human body.
As a result of this, electrical fields aren’t measured directly. Instead, the AC body voltage is measured with the use of a multimeter.
Electrical fields are measured in volts (V) AC. Units under 0.1V AC are considered safe, 0.1 to 2V AC causes slight concern, 2 to 15V AC causes and above 15V AC extreme concern.
So far, we’ve learned what EMF is, where it comes from, its side effects, and how to detect EMF.
The rest of this guide will focus solely on protection against EMF radiation.
Common EMF Protection Materials
Most effective electromagnetic protection devices utilize one or a combination of the following materials:
1. Copper
Copper, usually in the form of copper mesh, is one of the most reliable metals in EMF shielding. It is highly effective in shielding and guarding against most wavelength radio frequency radiation as a result of its ability to shield both magnetic and electrical waves.
Take note, however, that copper only has the ability to block and deflect EMF radiation – not absorb it.
2. Aluminum
Aluminum can help shield against most wavelength radio frequency radiation because it is a conductor of electricity. It forms a barrier called a Faraday cage, which helps block radio waves.
Aluminum can also block microwave EMF radiation. These radiations travel in straight lines, and aluminum acts as a barrier that prevents the wave from penetrating through it.
3. Stainless Steel
This is another great option for shielding against EMF. Steel is stronger and better at shielding against low-frequency EMF than nearly any other shielding material.
4. Shungite
This black, lustrous mineral is made up of more than 90% carbon. It is composed of fullerenes – large, hollow carbon molecules arranged in the shape of a sphere.
Thanks to carbon’s incredible absorption ability and the mineral’s cage-like arrangement of carbon molecules, shungite can absorb and neutralize harmful EMF frequencies.
5. Silver
Silver is a powerful antimicrobial agent that has been used across time and culture for its numerous health benefits.
Silver can also protect against dangerous electromagnetic radiation when used in the right quantity and manner. It works as an anti-radiation material when used just the way a mirror reflects light. Positively charged silver ions are able to reflect electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and other appliances away from the body.
Because of this, silver is commonly used in clothing meant to block EMFs.
6. Stones
In addition to shungite, there are several other stones used to shield against EMFs. Each uses a different mechanism of action, but all involve either neutralizing, absorbing, or cleansing electromagnetic fields.
Some of the most popular EMF protection stones include:
- Tourmaline
- Organite
- Magnetite
How EMF Protection Devices Work
There are several different ways to attack EMF radiation. You can either block and deflect it, absorb it, neutralize it, or strengthen your body’s own natural defenses.
Let’s look at a few of the most common methods of action:
1. Measurable Reduction
Also known as attenuation, this method of protection regulates how much EMF radiation seeps through to your body. Unless you live in a Faraday cage, complete eradication isn’t realistic, so reduction is the goal.
This method would include the use of materials like silver, aluminum, and shungite. Its effects can be measured and clearly seen with a quality EMF meter.
2. Neutralization
Neutralizing EMFs takes a little more faith as it can’t be measured, although more and more research is mounting in favor of it. This method works by counteracting the harmful positive ions generated by EMFs with safer negative ions generated by whatever material or source the product uses.
3. Strengthening the Body’s Own Defenses
This method involves boosting the body’s own electromagnetic field to the point where it can overcome any negative effects of artificial fields. This is most often accomplished by focusing on strengthening our natural frequency, which is the same as Earth’s – known as the Schumann Resonance.
NASA actually uses the Schumann Resonance or Schumann Wave to help astronauts in space while they are out of touch with Earth’s natural frequency range.
3 Ways to Protect Against EMF
EMF reduction products are primarily divided into the following three categories:
1. Home or House Protection
Not that long ago, we didn’t have to worry about RF radiation or dirty electricity making its way into our homes.
But times change.
With current health concerns surrounding excessive EMF exposure, the least you can do is make your home a safe place to escape from the constant radiation bath we get in the world.
You can achieve whole home protection with the use of EMF blocking curtains or drapes, window films, smart meter covers, shielded paint, neutralizing plug-ins, and more.
2. Device Shielding
Another, less expensive way to protect yourself from EMF is to reduce your exposure from known EMF-generating devices like your laptop and smartphone.
This can be achieved with the use of shields that block the full frequency spectrum of EMF radiation. There are shielded covers for everything from your phone and laptop to computer and iPad.
3. Personal, Wearable Protection
Last but not least, you also have the option to carry protection with you wherever you go. Wearable EMF protection is great for use outside the home when you want to be protected from Wifi in stores and from other people’s devices. This category includes things like jewelry and clothing.
Types of EMF Protection Devices
1. Jewelry
EMF protection jewelry involves different types and styles, and it usually comes in the form of a pendant, bracelet, or necklace. Some of the primary materials and technologies used in making this jewelry include shungite, tourmaline, and biofield tuning.
- Many designs combine several different EMF-reducing materials providing multifaceted protection when used in combination.
- Protection that travels with you.
- Not all EMF jewelry is created equal. Scams are rampant.
- Since we all have different levels of EMF sensitivities, you might have to try a few different pieces to see what works best, which could get costly.
2. Shielded Clothing
EMF blocking clothes can help attenuate EMF radiation by scattering photons as they try to pass through. It’s important to keep an eye out for the material’s attenuation ability, which is usually measured in decibels. The higher the decibel, the better the anti-radiation protection you can expect.
Pregnant women, especially, should consider protective clothing as research continues to reveal the damaging effects of EMF on babies in the womb. Check out our complete guide to anti-radiation maternity clothes!
- It provides measurable protection.
- It shields wherever you go – not limited to your house.
- Some of these clothes aren’t very comfortable.
3. Tech Shields
A tech shield can help guard against electromagnetic radiation from mobile devices like cell phones, tablets, laptops, and routers. These shields can help identify, divert and absorb the radiation between you and the radiating source.
- They can provide up to 100% radiation shielding.
- They are easy and convenient to use.
- Measurable attenuation.
- Unfortunately, 100% radiation block also means 100% signal block. You can opt for lesser protection that still reduces EMF but allows signal to pass through.
4. Smart Meter Shields
Smart meters are what your electric company uses to remotely measure your utility usage. While these smart devices save tons of money for utility companies, it exposes homeowners to harmful radiation.
In fact, they are are among the highest emitting devices and so deserve special attention.
A smart meter shield is a small Faraday cage specifically designed to fit over a smart meter and lower EMF radiation exposure via either RF reflectors (bounces radiation signals like a mirror reflects light) or RF absorbers (absorbs radiation and releases it into the air as a tiny amount of heat).
- The only real way to effectively shield against smart meter radiation.
- They’re not cheap.
5. Bed Canopies
Sleep provides your cells with some much needed time to regenerate, rejuvenate, and detox. EMF exposure can prevent this natural process from occurring, making bedtime the time we are most vulnerable to the damaging effects of radiation.
A bed canopy can offer an oasis in the digital desert providing a safe haven for you to sleep away from pulsating radiation.
- Best way to create a bedroom sleep sanctuary.
- The shielded area provided by the canopy creates a Faraday cage effect. The use of an EMF-emitting device within the impenetrable barrier will intensify your EMF exposure. So you can’t use your phone (or similar device) in bed.
6. EMF Blocking Paint
This conductive paint provides protection against radio frequency EMFs and low-frequency electrical fields. It is usually applied just like regular paint, and once dried, any color of regular paint can be applied on top.
- Permanent solution – do it once and you’re done.
- Painting can be labor intensive and expensive.
- You can not use any device inside a room that uses such paint. For instance, you wouldn’t want to use it in your home office if you need internet connection, wireless printer access, etc.
7. Home Plug-Ins
These devices plug into any outlet and work by eliminating the stray currents that cause dirty electricity.
- Most comprehensive protection against dirty electricity
- Room for potential scams. It’s important to research the product thoroughly. Only purchase from companies who provide third-party testing and research.
Best EMF Protection Products
A few of the best places to buy from include:
- Belly Armor (for pregnant women and babies)
- DefenderShield
- Smart Meter Covers
- Shield Your Body
- Less EMF
But here are some of my favorite tools you can score from Amazon:
Image | Title | Price | Prime | Buy |
![]() | HARApad EMF Protection - Laptop Radiation & Heat Shield (For 15" Laptops, Black Acrylic) | ![]() | Buy Now | |
![]() | Protective Belly Pregnancy Baby Blanket, Organic, Anti-Radiation, Cream, 35"x30" | ![]() | Buy Now | |
![]() | Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant (Original Black) | X | Buy Now | |
![]() | EMF-Free Headphones - Anti-Radiation Air Tube Wired Stereo Headset with Earbuds and Microphone | ![]() | Buy Now | |
![]() | Anti EMF Radiation Protection Pendant |Tourmaline 2300 Negative Ions, Far Infrared & Scalar Energy Volcanic Lava | Reverse Aging.Joint Pain.Blood Circulation … | ![]() | Buy Now | |
![]() | TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 | ![]() | Buy Now | |
![]() | Smart Meter Guard EMF Shield Cover | X | Buy Now | |
![]() | WOREMOR EMF Radiation Protection Combat Cap blocking RF EMF - Cell Towers - Smart Meters - WIFI (Large, Beige) | ![]() | Buy Now |
No Cost Solutions to Protect Against EMF
Investing in EMF reduction products isn’t the only way to protect yourself.
Here are some simple tips that won’t cost you anything!
1. Use Ethernet Cords
Switch to an Ethernet cable, so you can hardwire your computer to your cable modem. This allows you to turn off Wifi during the day.
An Ethernet cable helps link your router to your computer without the use of harmful wireless technology. Avoid using the unshielded cable that often comes with your router.
2. Turn Wifi Off at Night
Sure, Wi-Fi makes a lot of things easier. You no longer have to wait for dial-up. You no longer have to see unsightly wires running everywhere.
But do you know how much of an EMF exposure monster it is? Be careful how you use it.
If you still have to use your Wifi router, turn it off at night. This simple step lets you cut down on 8 to 9 hours of Wifi signals pulsating through your home.
3. Put Phones and Tablets Away When Not in Use
Most often people put their cell phones in their front pocket; some women even hold their phones in their bra! Cell phones and tablets emit radiation constantly, even when not in active use.
Try to keep them away from your body as much as possible. Even if you have to have it on you, carry it in a holster of some sort or in your purse, or put it on airplane mode.
Also, take note of your laptops. Despite its name, don’t let your computer sit in your lap.
Potential Side Effects of Using EMF Protection Products
I would say one of the downsides in using EMF blocking devices is that people may think these devices are working so well that they grow complacent in protecting themselves and even increase their use of EMF technologies.
Remember, the fact that you’re wearing or using some sort of EMF protection product doesn’t mean you’re completely covered.
Also, some users report detox type symptoms. Once you take away artificial fields and frequencies, many of the body systems kick into high gear and start functioning optimally again. There can sometimes be an adjustment period where you might experience headache and fatigue.
Best Way to Reduce EMF Exposure
One word:
Distance is really your friend when it comes to reducing your exposure to EMFs. Just as the heat of fire decreases as you move further away, radiation exposure dissipates as you move away from the source.
For example, when speaking on your cell phone, it’s best to use it in speakerphone mode as opposed to holding it to your ear.
Research suggests that the radiation is a quarter of the strength at a distance of just two inches.
It’s not only the most effective method of EMF protection, but it’s the easiest and cheapest as well.
I always encourage distance as the primary means of shielding yourself. EMF protection products are secondary and simply an added layer of defense.
Now is the time to educate yourself and take action. With the rise of 5G, the effects of EMF radiation are only going to get worse.
The second best way to protect against EMF is this:
Identification then elimination.
With an EMF meter in hand, identify hot spots in your home. If it’s a product, eliminate it altogether or look for a safer alternative.
I hope this guide helps you on your journey to living well with less electromagnetic radiation!
Certified EMF Expert, Chief Editor & Researcher at Beat EMF. I’m in charge of testing all the products and sorting through the duds to deliver effective EMF solutions for your family. Learn more about me here.
As a retailer of Vest products internationally (as well as their distributor in Australia) I find it disappointing that the FCC (as well as Australian authorities) cite many radiation protection products as scams when many clearly work very effectively (as per your tests). That being said there are definitely some scammers out there (they are usually the ones offering stick on anti-radiation stickers, buttons or chips).
Yes, those anti-radiation stickers are a total joke!
Can you recommend a good cover or guard for gas smart meter and where to buy one? Thanks
Hi Dorothy,
I don’t know what size yours is, but this one should work. Just double check size first.
Hey there, I see your comment above regarding EMF blocking stickers, and I just wanted to get a little more information. I want to get something for my kid’s electronics, and husband’s..but getting my husband to change his cell case and whatnot..not easy. Also..as far as children’s wearables, have you found any to be the best?? Thank you soooo much for your research and help!
Hi Leilani,
Here’s where I stand with EMF protection products. I like to stick to results that can be measured. I want to be able to take my EMF meter, take before & after measurements, and verify that a reduction in radiation is taking place.
That can’t happen with most tech attachments or even wearables. Those claim to either neutralize harmful EMFs or counteract them with good frequencies. I need to see more research before I can confidently promote wearables or devices that attach to phones, tablets, etc.
For your children, I’d follow the 3 biggies – Distance, Duration, and Elimination. I think the first two are self-explanatory. For elimination, that can mean using airplane mode as much as possible. If they use their devices while sitting in one place for a period of time, there are hacks that allow you to hardwire tablets and phones to an ethernet cable, which eliminates the WiFi radiation entirely.
Or you can do something like this phone pouch where they can still use the case they already have. they just slip the whole thing into this pouch when not in use.
For your husband, first let me just say I totally get it LOL. For him, I’d suggest this pocket card. He just slips it in between his body and his phone while in his pocket, and it reflects the radiation away from his body.
Or if you don’t think he’d be consistent with that, you can get these shielded patches that you apply to the pockets he puts his phone in most – pants, shirts, etc. No sewing required. And he can keep the phone case he loves 🙂
All of these options have measurable results, and that’s what I recommend sticking with.
I’m actually undergoing training right now to become a Certified EMF Consultant. I’ll graduate the end of March and can give you a more informed opinion on things like wearables, frequency generators, neutralizers and such.
I sincerely hope that helps!
Hello, do you have any thoughts on products that harmonize radiation to a harmless level?
Hi Karin,
I detail my thoughts on that in this article – https://beatemf.com/emf-scams/
Hi I tried to put in my name and email for the mini course for reducing EMF by 75% but nothing happens when I click the button to sign up .
Does that guide contain information on non-smart appliances and devices for the home ? Like washing machines ?
Thank you
Hmm, I’m not sure why it didn’t work. I just manually added you to the mini course, so you should receive the first email shortly.