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So you love your smartphone but hate the radiation it emits…what do you do?
Well, based off the principle that radiation dissipates with distance, people have been encouraged to use some sort of headset or headphones when taking a call or listening to music.
But there’s a catch…
That could actually magnify the radiation output – the total OPPOSITE of what you’re trying to do.
So what’s the solution?
Today I want to give you the pros and cons of using Bluetooth vs wired headphones regarding radiation so that you can make an educated choice.

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After comparing the two, I’ll also give you tips on finding safer solutions.
Let’s get to it.

Bluetooth Headphones Radiation
Most people are aware of the harmful effects of cellphone radiation, but the dangers of Bluetooth radiation are less obvious.
Bluetooth devices have grown popular because of wireless technology that allows communication and data transmission at a short distance.
This technology allows users to perform several tasks all at once, making it an easy and convenient option.
However, Bluetooth poses potential health risks because of the Radio Frequency (RF) radiation it uses to transmit data.
When you use Bluetooth headphones, RF radiation is continuously emitted.
This is a serious side effect of operation, especially for people who use Bluetooth consistently for long periods of time.
Think about it:
The radio frequency used by microwaves to cook food is the SAME frequency that your head is exposed to when using bluetooth headphones.
Several studies have discovered that RF radiation is possibly carcinogenic, meaning it can increase your risk of developing cancer.
The common misconception about Bluetooth is that it is safer than the radiation coming from cellphones.
However, that’s not true.
And even if something is safer than something else doesn’t make it safe.
Bluetooth actually operates on an even higher frequency than cellphones.
Apart from that, its constant RF signal poses a bigger threat than devices that may emit stronger RF radiation but for a shorter time.
Using Bluetooth headphones means that your eyes, ears, and brain are all exposed directly to radiation that can lead to things like headaches, neck pain, insomnia, and more.
Do Wired Headphones Emit Radiation?
If Bluetooth headphones pose a health risk, does that mean we should go back to using wired ones?
The short answer is not a simple yes.
Just like Bluetooth headphones, cellphones also emit RF radiation (of course) but at different frequencies.
Contrary to popular belief, when you connect your wired headphones to your phone, the radiation that is absorbed by your body isn’t lessened or blocked…
Instead, the RF radiation travels through the cord directly into your ear canal and head.
While most people believe that using corded headsets are a safer alternative to Bluetooth, recent studies have debunked this myth.
The truth is, wired headphones increase the brain’s exposure to radiation – sometimes as much as 3X the exposure.
Since wire cables contain metal, radiation is easily conducted from your cellphone.
The wires, therefore, act like antennas through which dangerous amounts of radiation are transmitted directly to your head.
So what options DO we have?
How to Make a Wired Headset Safer with Ferrite Beads
The good news is, there is a way to make wired headphones safer. The solution to reducing radiation exposure can be as simple as adding ferrite beads.
You’ve probably seen them before without knowing what they were:
Ferrite beads are the cylindrical part of charger cords and other electronic devices with wires.
They are responsible for stopping high-frequency electricity and ensuring that frequency surges and spikes don’t destroy the electronic circuit boards of a device.
But more importantly, ferrite beads are responsible for decreasing RF radiation.
They won’t block it entirely, but ferrite beads can filter as much as 90+% of RF radiation that you would normally absorb, making your wired headset a lot safer.
Best of all, they are inexpensive and easy to add to your wires – you just connect it to the base of your headset.
Final Verdict: Bluetooth Headset or Wired Headset?
When it comes to answering phone calls, we recommend using the speaker feature.
This way, you can prevent direct contact with radiation to your head.
However, if you really need a headset (like at work or while driving), the safer option is to use wired headphones that are equipped with ferrite beads.
Opting for Bluetooth devices just makes you more vulnerable to dangerous exposure from your phone.
Fortunately, your options aren’t limited to wired earbuds with ferrite beads.
An even safer option is to use air tube headphones, which emit next to no EMF radiation.
I like them because tests have shown that no EMF transmission takes place when using them.

As of today, they are considered the safest alternative for listening to your music and talking on the phone without worrying about dangerous radiation.
Best Radiation Free Headphones
Let’s take a deeper look at how air tube headphones make your listening experience safer for you.
At first glance, air tube headphones look just like your regular earphones.
But its design and structure ensure that no EMF transmissions occur when used.
Here’s how they achieve that:
Instead of using traditional wires with metal, these earbuds are built with hollow air tubes for transmitting sound.
It also has a braided nylon cord that’s infused with copper – a “good” metal that actually aids in blocking Extremely Low-Frequency electrical signals.
Even better, since these headphones are equipped with air-filled hollow tubes, the device produces high-quality sounds with enhanced tone and acoustics.
Air tube headphones are also beneficial in that they place the speakers away from the head.
Other types of headsets have the speakers right against the ear.
Being a clever design, the speakers on air tube headphones convert electric signals to acoustic signals before they reach your head.
Once this conversion happens, the acoustic signals travel through its air tubes, which are hollow and flexible.
The sound then reaches the metal-free earbuds. With this setup, your listening experience will not only be better, but it will also spare you from risks of cellphone radiation.
Check out Air Tube Headphones here >
Frequently Asked Questions
Are wired earbuds safer than Bluetooth?
Yes. Although wired earphones and Bluetooth earbuds both pose a threat, the former can be used in a way where its harmful effects are minimized. By using wired earbuds with ferrite beads, you can significantly decrease your exposure. This makes wired earbuds a safer alternative.
Does using a Bluetooth headset reduce radiation?
No. Unlike what the majority believe, using a Bluetooth headset will only amplify the user’s exposure to harmful radiation from cellular devices.
Certified EMF Expert, Chief Editor & Researcher at Beat EMF. I’m in charge of testing all the products and sorting through the duds to deliver effective EMF solutions for your family. Learn more about me here.
Hi Jordan! I stumbled upon your website by chance (or divine intervention?) as I do all the good things in my life. Thank you for all the work you do to make life easier for folks like me who would get waded down with all the information! Best to you and your sweet family!
Thank you for the encouragement, Amy. I sincerely want to help people liver safer in our electrified world!
Hi Jordan,
First of all, I want to thank you wholeheartedly for sharing all this precious information.
I would like your opinion re SYB H.A.R.D. Is it a fancy ferrite bead or does it act in a different way? Is there any advantage on purchasing it over the ferrite beads?
Thanks again.
Best wishes.
Hi Elle,
It has a microwave absorption material inside of it, so it works different than a ferrite bead and provides more protection. I highly recommend it 🙂
Hi Jordan,
Thanks for your prompt reply. May I please extend on your answer as I’m a bit confused. What sort of radiation do ferrite beads absorb then? I thought these were very effective (I remember reading up to 95%) at blocking the radiation from traveling up the cord.
Thank you.
Hi Elle,
Sorry for the confusion. I probably wasn’t clear. So ferrite beads definitely work, and I do recommend them. It’s just that SYB’s H.A.R.D is like a ferrite bead on steroids.
Ferrite beads stop the RF from traveling up the cord and into the ear (just like the H.A.R.D.), but you would need probably 6-7 ferrite beads to achieve the same effect. A single ferrite bead (or even 2) doesn’t decrease the flow of energy 95%. However, the more you use, the lower the RF is by the time it reaches your ears. So if you wanted an alternative to something like the H.A.R.D., you could stack around 6-7 ferrite beads (maybe more, you’d need a meter to determine an exact #) and achieve a similar effect.
Hope that helps? Thanks!
Yes, it does help, that makes more sense. Thank you!
I should’ve clarified the 95% decrease is in relation to air tube headsets.
In that case, my question is: Would you reccomend ferrite beads or the HARD device to be used with a pair of defendershield air tube headsets (to decrease the flow of energy travelling through the cord and protect the parts of the body that are in contact with it)?
Jordan, I loved your article. Since the start of the pandemic, my device use has reached extremely high levels. My business is also based online so my concerns about my exposure are going up as time goes by. Thank you for your time and sharing this information with the community!
Hi Jordan,
Just read your excellent article.
Have you done any testing on over-ear noise-cancelling head phones (Sony or Bose). My wife is very conscious of EMF concerns, and I am considering buying/finding wired versions rather than Bluetooth. Any suggestions?
Just get a pair of wired ones and add extra ferrite beads to them – they’re dirt cheap on Amazon.
If I use a classic digital audio player without Bluetooth, my portable iBasso for example, is it EMF free?
A mobile phone uses WiFi and Bluetooth but a simple portable dap hasn’t WiFi or Bluetooth.
When using it with wired in ears this will be EMF free I guess?
Hi Ralph,
So the music is housed within the device itself? It’s not streaming it or connected to your phone at all? Regarding headphones, yes wired earphones are best with added ferrite beads or SYB’s H.A.R.D even better.
In the comment above, you said that SYB’s H.A.R.D is even better than ferrite beads. And in the article, you said, “An even safer option [to ferrite beads] is to use air tube headphones, which emit next to no EMF radiation.”
So both SYB’s HARD and air tube headphones are better than ferrite beads. However, which one is the best of them all—SYB’s HARD or air tube headphones? Thanks!
Thanks Jordan,
That’s helpful.
If sometimes I need to use unwired B’tooth ear buds, is there any way to reduce the EMFs or the effects thereof?
No, you should just try keep such usage to a minimum.
Hi. Are speakers (without bluetooth) safe? Thanks.
If they hook up with a wire to its source, then yes, it’s safe. You’ll still deal with a somewhat weak electric and magnetic field (when turned on), but just don’t sit right up next to the speaker, and you’ll be good to go.
Hi Jordan, would it be ok to place a ferrite bead on a wired bluetooth headset? I need a bluetooth one and I found a couple that are air tube, but that only protects some from EMF right? Would a ferrite bead help with RF on that kind of model? Thanks!
does it hold the same emf/rf danger if using wired headsets while watching streaming shows on my tv?
thanks for sharing this info, I just hate that we the consumer have to find all of this out after the fact instead of our government requiring companies to be forthright and tell us. I just realized my laptop I’ve been using, without wifi (ethernet), has had the bluetooth setting on this whole time. arrrgghhh…
It sounds like two even better alternatives to ferrite beads are SYB’s HARD and air tube headphones. However, which one is the best of them all—SYB’s HARD or air tube headphones? Thanks!
This article seems to be referring mostly to headphones when used with a mobile phone. What about using wired headphones with a computer? I use a set of over-ear wired studio monitor headphones with my Mac computer for work (video editing) and leisure. My Mac computer has both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth disabled at all times. It is connected to the internet via an Ethernet cable. With this setup RF radiation shouldn’t be a problem, but I’m not sure about electric field and magnetic field radiation. Would I be exposing myself to harmful levels of electric or magnetic field radiation with the setup I have described? If so, would ferrite beads or the SYB H.A.R.D device provide a solution to this?
Thanks for the great information you provide on this site.