Last Chance Meter Measure Cheat Sheet

QUICK QUESTION: If you buy a meter today, do you really know how to interpret the readings?

What would it feel like to NEVER have to ask yourself  “What EMF levels are safe?” You can know with certainty TODAY what your readings mean and how they compare to biologically-based safety standards.



Learn how to decipher your meter readings and what they really mean with this quick reference guide of measurements…

Know exactly what levels are considered “normal” or “unsafe.”

PLUS, get the bonus “Source Lists” ($17 value) for free!

These source lists break down – electric fields, magnetic fields, and radiofrequency radiation – into easy-to-understand information.

You’ll learn how to quickly identify sources of EMF so you know exactly WHAT and WHERE to measure. 

This is an instant PDF download that eliminates any doubts as to “what do these readings even mean?!”

Just $15!

(purchase below via PayPal and receive your instant download on the next page)

Why Learn from Me?

Hi, I’m Jordan Mitchell, Certified EMF Consultant, Founder & Editor of 

I remember the day I realized the connection…  

I sat down and googled “why do my hands tingle while using my cellphone?” 

Now less than 3 years later, I went from pain, brain fog, and deep tissue burning sensations to pain-free and clear-headed.

And yes, I still use my tech… and I don’t wear a tinfoil hat 😉

The changes I saw in my body and mind after reducing my EMF exposure compelled me to seek professional training and education in electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies. 

What I learned deserves to be disseminated to the masses. You don’t have to live with the pain, confusion, or long-term devastation that EMF can bring.

There are things you can do today to protect your body in the future.

The first step is knowing exactly what you’re dealing with in your unique environment, and a meter makes that easy – but only if you know how to read it.

Get the “Meter Measure Cheat Sheet” as an instant downloadable and printable PDF for just $15 below.

This is a one-time offer only available to those who opted to receive the Free Meter Buying Guide (as I don’t offer this training publicly anywhere else).

BUY NOW FOR JUST $15 (and score the BONUS ‘Source Lists’ for FREE!)

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