EMF Consultations

LIMITED-TIME: 50% OFF my course, Effortless EMF: No Physics, Just Fixes (Get your most pressing questions answered—for much cheaper than a consultation.)

Due to a high volume of inquiries, I am not booking consultations at this time. I will remove this message when my availability opens back up.


I specialize in home and personal shielding and helping electro-hypersensitive individuals. I also offer assessments for pre-home buying purchases to help determine the relative safety of that location from an EMF standpoint.

How it works:

  1. Click the “Buy Now” button to submit your payment via PayPal.
  2. After you submit your payment, you’ll be re-routed to a page with next step instructions. You’ll be shown how and where to send your questions.
  3. If it’s an easy answer, you’ll probably hear from me within hours. If it’s more in-depth, I’ll research the best answer/solution and be in touch within 2 business days.

Why Work With Me?

I’m professionally trained by an Electrical Engineer, specializing in EMF safety.

I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease 3 years ago and developed EHS shortly after.

I know what it’s like to be in pain and not know why – or what to do about it.

I also know what it’s like to search the web for hours, not knowing if the information is true or written by some marketer trying to take advantage of me.

I created these email consults as an affordable way for people to get their questions answered by someone professionally trained in living safely with EMF.

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