LIMITED-TIME: 50% OFF my course, Effortless EMF: No Physics, Just Fixes (Get your most pressing questions answered—for much cheaper than a consultation.)
Due to a high volume of inquiries, I am not booking consultations at this time. I will remove this message when my availability opens back up.
I specialize in home and personal shielding and helping electro-hypersensitive individuals. I also offer assessments for pre-home buying purchases to help determine the relative safety of that location from an EMF standpoint.
How it works:
- Click the “Buy Now” button to submit your payment via PayPal.
- After you submit your payment, you’ll be re-routed to a page with next step instructions. You’ll be shown how and where to send your questions.
- If it’s an easy answer, you’ll probably hear from me within hours. If it’s more in-depth, I’ll research the best answer/solution and be in touch within 2 business days.
Why Work With Me?
I’m professionally trained by an Electrical Engineer, specializing in EMF safety.
I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease 3 years ago and developed EHS shortly after.
I know what it’s like to be in pain and not know why – or what to do about it.
I also know what it’s like to search the web for hours, not knowing if the information is true or written by some marketer trying to take advantage of me.
I created these email consults as an affordable way for people to get their questions answered by someone professionally trained in living safely with EMF.